Pay-Per-Use (PPU) payment methodology helps vendors / sellers / business owners to leverage or analysis or foresee their business in IVTeShop.
IVT eShop is a multivendor eCommerce Application designed to setup
businesses in Dubai and other Emirates of UAE by effectively
targeting online buyers in UAE.
IVT eShop eCommerce mobile application
offers small & medium businesses in UAE to get back
100% selling price
by setting up own charges for services, delivery & curbside pickup
This helps online buyers by providing a great shopping experience without
any upselling, making them happy and more likely to recommend IVT eShop.
IVT eShop platform consists of seller app, customer app and a delivery app which caters all features of eCommerce app to sell product online in UAE.
Reach nearby customers, increase local purchase and customer pay only nominal service charges for their order to get deliver or curbside pickup.
Successful Registration with your UAE mobile number leads you to complete your shop details and your ID details. Registration completion allows to setup your e-Shop.
SOA (Statement of Accounts), is the key feature of IVTeShop SellerApp which gives vendors/seller or business owners a clear picture about their business thru IVTeShop.
Manage all your IVTeShop business at fingertip wherever you go. It has a cloud hosted Super Admin Dashboard to manage all three mobile application- Seller, User/Customer and Driver.
IVT eshop has features to increase online sales of products to nearby cut down price for huge IT procurement and maintenance cost for business categories like Fresh Dates, Flowers & Plants, Organic & Farm products, Custom Jewelry, dress & wearables, Local honey, Pet’s world, Homemade food & home decore, Perfumes & Oils etc.
Pay-Per-Use (PPU) payment methodology helps vendors / sellers / business owners to leverage or analysis or foresee their business in IVTeShop.
IVTeShop is built in simple UI/UX interfaces and minimal approvals process to make life easy for shop owners compared with other corporate multivendor applications.
Cash or Card on Delivery & Online Payment by Shop delivery or third part delivery agent or Curbside pickup (pickup from store) available for customers while placing order thru IVTeShop.
IVTeShop entities – SellerApp, CustomerApp, DriverApp does everything you could possibly want it to do and not only that, beautifully, carefully designed and extremely intuitive to use.
IVT eShop SellerApp offers expert advice to make sure my Coffee trading business in UAE to reach right nearby customer.
IVT eShop SellerApp has a master Item Master which helps us to just choose product and enter price, publish. They have zero waiting period to go update an item in app. It is very easy to manage eShop for any e-commerce retailer business in Dubai
Display detailed information on each order , service charge, deliver charge , IVT eshop SOA (Statement of Accounts) give each seller about business on the go. Customers are getting hassle free order tracking also
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